With The Understanding Of The Circadian Rhythm, Eating Seasonally Can Help With Sleep And Better Digestion.

Have you been having digestive problems or sleep disturbances since fall started? Maybe even hair loss? You're not the only one. I have noticed this season with many of my clients have had varying digestive issues and wakefulness. I realized over these last five years as the fall progresses our bodies should be adjusting to the changes of sunlight and temperatures. This is where our body can struggle with the changes of sleep, wake and most importantly our digestive processes.

Have you heard of the Circadian rhythms?This can impact us and we don't even realize it. What happens? This rhythm is tied to our 24-hour body clock, and most living things have one. This internal clock is influenced by external cues, like sunlight and temperature, which help determine whether one feels energized or exhausted at different times of the day. Plants also grow and thrive at certain times of the year and are necessary to eat these seasonal plants and other foods such as wild mature meat flourishing in the fall as well. So in the fall we SHOULD be eating fall foods. If we are still eating summer foods in the fall it can affect our optimum body processes and cause indigestion and inflammation. What to eat? What not to eat?

For an example, I just love watermelon and I can get away with eating watermelon in the summertime only. If I continue to eat it September, I start immediately detoxing and can't digest it normally... which in turn affects and inflames my bowels. We now need to be eating foods closer to the earth and late season veggies. And consider if we eat meat, well that's another story to eat the fall ripe animals. I recommend not eating domesticated animals only eat wild animals such as duck, pheasant, turkey, lamb, elk, bear, eel, stripped bass, etc....

I recommend taking time to feel what is best for you. Adjusting your rest, sleep, eating and times you eat, maybe even the amount of times you eat during the day or evening. Also meditating on what emotions are going on when you feel autumn is getting closer. One thing that come up for me was the stress of school and going into a new grade, interacting with others, even as simply as the change in routine can bring stress and trauma (PTSD) to our subconscious which causes physical issues. Awareness is 40% of the letting go process into ease.

So take the time to feel into yourself and I’m here to help.

(this message is highly insightful and primarily intuitive. It is drawn from 20 years experience and self discover)

Thank you,
