Developing Your Intuition

Practices for developing intuition. Intuition is inherent in everyone, yes I said everyone! Some people are in-tune with it and want to develop it further. Others have it but don’t see it in themselves yet. Here are a full range of intuitive games and practices. Some of these exercises you will want to implement as part of a your daily routine. Many of these practices you will want to do them regularly to develop your confidence and clarity.

Professional Intuitives use intuition to perceive information about you and provide guidance. A medical intuitive further specializes in perceiving the physical health of the body and internal systems.

1. When we meditate, we start to feel deeper in our bodies, becoming more relaxed. Take some time to use your breath by breathing in fully into the belly and lungs, breathing in a slow easy breath and then slower breath out. Once you find yourself relaxing, check inside your body relaxing from your toes to the top of your head. Focus on your intestines, heart and brow, let them relax and open... no furrow or tightness. 

Just this practice alone allows you to open, receive, and read what is inside your heart. 

Now you are ready to ask a question. Think of an event or issue or confused situation that has come up. Your question can start with... “For my highest good......” or “How do I solve ...... with compassion”


How do I solve my conflict with my coworker with compassion?

Is this food (or supplement) for my highest good?

Give me insight about my pain?

Where is my anger?

Give me a story to benefit my life.

Meditation allows you and your mind to slow down and experience the journey. Even when you use this time to reflect on the day, your feelings expand in these remembered moments. Now you can “process” these emotions and allow them to pass through.  

The more you practice this, the more comfortable and at ease you will feel. You can start expanding your skills by askingto receive more information from the “higher good”.

2. Readings: Get index cards and on one side of the card make doodles, scribbles, blots, any thoughtless markings. Try not to make a specific image. Make at least 21 if possible.

    Then ask a question for yourself:

    Lay out 4 cards:

        Card #1 Is about the whole picture of your question.

        Card #2 How it’s going to change your life in the outer world... living on this planet in this current life.

        Card #3 How it’s going to change your life in the inner world... within you.

        Card #4 The solution(s).

***** taking yourself, your worries and your fears out of the picture, you’ll get a true reading.

3. There are several different games you can play with a friend or more.

  1. Using a deck of cards, pull a card and look at it. study it and then place it face down. Picture and say the card in you head (of course not out loud). Have your friends guess the card. Hint, a friend connecting to you with openness will have better chances of guessing correctly. Take turns. 
  2. Create your own sets of cards... with index cards. 
    1. On each card write a different color. Use simple colors. stack the cards face down, then draw a card, commit it to your mind, keeping the card face down. Ask your friends to guess the color.
    2. Next set of cards write down different animals and play it the same way.
    3. Lastly try this more challenging game. Write down a different emotion on an index card. Stack them face down, then choose a card. Feel and emote the emotion. The game is feeling the energy of the emotion and guess it. 

  4. Who’s there. Here is a practice you can do throughout your day. When you hear the phone ring or receive a text, get a sense of who it could be. Does someone pop in your mind? 

5. Being an observer in your own life can be an important practice for learning so much about who you are. By developing this practice, you will see more of when you are already using your intuition. Many times we use our intuition when we drive or when we’re in a crowd and we don’t realize it. Take for instance, when I’m driving on the highway, I can tell which cars will cut in front of me, even before they use their blinker, 95% of the time, I’m right.

Here is how being an observer works: Anything you do, any situations that occurs, watch yourself, observe your thoughts, and observe your actions. Don’t judge anything, say to yourself “Isn’t that interesting, I .....”. This is one of my favorite and a life long practice.

6. Soul Merging (or also called Gazing). Sit opposite a friend (a foot apart). Become centered by taking in some full easy breaths. Feel relaxed. Then gaze into each other’s left eye. (Fyi: you can blink) The left eye is the soul and the right eye is the present world connection. While doing this you may experience, blurred vision, a hazy outline around each other’s head. Your eyes may water a bit. Watch what happens, the shadows may change and it will look like their face is morphing. An impression of someone else will appear. It’s like the shadows come to life. You are receiving information about their soul’s journey. When your done, write notes and share each others experiences.

  1. When you’ve practiced this several times, it will become easier. Then start asking questions in your head, “who are you, what do you need to tell me,  and what is the date” or ”Is there anything more to share”.
  2. Stop after the images and wait for the story, expand the information you received. With one glimpse of an image comes a whole story. Expand the image and the story may follow. 
  3. Be sure to rest, it can be exhausting. 

7. Think about a friend, think about someone you haven’t hear from in a long time. Think of them and send them love, caring thoughts, well wishes. They might just call or email you. 

8. Or has someone popped into your head just randomly? I know there has been many times when I flash on a person and then the next moment they are calling me. 

9. Reading the body. Ask your friends if they will be your subject to read the body. Start with breath work to settle into your yourself and releasing tension throughout your own body. Have your friend sit in front of you. There are many ways to feel someone. 

  1. Picture your friend in your mind’s eye an “impression” of them. Scan them from their head to their feet. Does anything stand out? Make notes or verbalize what you see. 
  2. Feel inside your own body, scanning from your head down to your feet. Feel any changes in your own body, such as buzzing, a hum, or heat. take notes with as much detail as possible. What area of the body is the energy settled. Take your time. 
  3. Listen for sounds or words. Do you hear a song? What’s the meaning of the song.
  4. Do you smell anything. Emotions and imbalances can have a smell.
  5. A knowingness. Something might “pop” and you’ll blurt something out. 

Many of these practices and stories you will relate to. You may say “oh yeah I’ve done that before”. Recognition is the foundation of trust and belief that intuition is there and it can be expanded upon. Gaining confidence will happen with repetition of these practices, especially “the daily life” exercises. 

When do we trust our intuition versus thinking something bad is going to happen. If fear, worry or repeated thinking is in the mix - Don’t trust it. Rely on the “pop” information only for true intuition. Or sometimes I’ll say, I could not have made up that story! 

All the best on your practice. 

Come to a training class for more practicing. 

Thank you, Susan Renaud